Your getting the Taste Of inflation on Morning coffee with Mike

2 years ago

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#inflation #hyperinflation

Rising food prices contribute to 18-year high inflation
Price increases seem relentless at the moment; is there any prospect of relief?

We started the year with headline inflation at about 3%. It went up as high as 5.2% in May, now we're at 5%.

Ettiene le Roux, Chief Economist - Rand Merchant Bank
It's definitely rising, but I don't think that trajectory will be sustained... We do think that inflation in the second half of next year can actually come down a bit. One important reason for that is because we don't think oil can continue to go up in a straight line.

Ettiene le Roux, Chief Economist - Rand Merchant Bank
I think it is just another commodity and at some stage supply will catch up. If that is the case we can actually see petrol prices coming down sharply next year.

Ettiene le Roux, Chief Economist - Rand Merchant Bank
He says the good news is that there are still few, if any signs of spillover effects.

Excluding food, fuel, and electricity, CPI inflation came to just 3.2% year-on-year - a rate almost no different than six months ago.

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