輝瑞前副總裁邁克爾·耶登博士 Dr Michael Yeadon警告,逆苗中的病毒突刺蛋白,可引發血栓塞,新冠逆苗導致未成年人的死亡率,比新冠病毒本身高50倍!刺突蛋白引發癌症!血栓塞、中風!

3 years ago

輝瑞前副總裁邁克爾·耶登博士 Dr Michael Yeadon警告,逆苗中的病毒突刺蛋白,可引發血栓塞,新冠逆苗導致未成年人的死亡率,比新冠病毒本身高50倍!刺突蛋白引發癌症!血栓塞、中風佔不良反應的 75%!The viral spike protein of Cov!d V@xxine can cause thromboembolism, and causes the death rate of Young People 50 times higher than the Cov!d Virus itself! Spike protein in Vax causes cancers; Thromboembolism and Stroke accounted for 75% of Vax Adverse Effects!

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