Transhumanism for all of humanity - What the World Government wants from you

2 years ago

This video is to bring light to the ideas of the World Government, United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Bank, Mass Media, Mastercard and Celebrities bringing TRANSHUMANISM into each and every citizen on the planet.

It gets sold as a utopian ideal for the masses - and in fact the ONLY way forward. There is no identity which isn’t matched with an avatar of the synthetic digital world. This identity is programmed W.I.T.H.I.N. and cannot be logged out.

These sequences monitor your thoughts, emotions and dreams. Then sent back to the grid to build ONE collective brain. You will become superhuman, however, with no privacy and no indication for what is real and what is not.

“They” want to overlay our current planet with a digital planet to coincide the two. They are the masters of the universe, and you will be entertained. Your purpose becomes THE purpose.

Individuality is lost. And so is God. - World Government Summit website – WEF What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? – World Government Summit Video – My other video – Shifting from Democracy into Communism – We are now in the middle

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