The Rental Market is ABOUT to Collapse | Do This Now!

2 years ago

Real Estate has proven to be a great inflation hedge and investment for centuries.. However this collapse will be unlike anything that we have seen in history and I believe that rents will fall in a big way due to soaring unemployment rates, higher costs for food, insurance, and wages remaining stable or if anything, going on the decline in the coming few years as small business will likely fall and large corporations will dominate.

Big corporations will raise a false sense of security for their employees however when all the quality labor leaves small business and small business can not afford to hire and stock their stores with products to sell due to rising costs we have a challenge for 30,200,000 small businesses.

This will then leave it up to the big corporations to hire more or reduce their benefits / offers...

This is all bad news for leveraged landlords and this does not take into consideration all fo the new challenges landlords are facing with the eviction moratorium / forbearance etc... These landlords have tenants that have been in their units for 1-2 years so far and still unable to evict as the court system is so backed up.

This also forces more landlords into a corner.

All said and done, big time problems in the short term, big opportunity after this for all of the smart investors with cash and credit.

#rentalmarket #housingmarket #crash

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