What does God want me to do? (Teaching 8 of 39) - The KOG Entrepreneur Show - Episode 20

2 years ago

In this episode (filmed during the Covid-19 Epidemic) we discuss what God's expectations are for mankind. Looking at the Hebraic/Jewish mindset of stewardship, we look at King David and his mindset which brought success in the time he was King of Israel. This same mindset should be universal for Christians everywhere to best understand their role in today's world and current situation with the Corona virus.

"8. Human Responsibility (1 Chr. 29:10-16). No text in the Bible more magnificently declares God’s sovereign power: there is no one like the Lord, the Almighty One, whose glory fills the universe. And yet, in the center of this grand anthem of acknowledgment to that towering truth, David asserts that although the kingdom is God’s (v. 11), God gives resources that are man’s to administrate. Verse 14 literally reads, “Everything that exists is from You, and we administer it from Your hand.” God is the fountainhead of all life and power; man is the appointed heir for its management. Psalms 8:6 and 115:16 affirm that while the created universe and the glory of the heavens are God’s and God’s alone, He has delegated the stewardship of earth’s affairs to mankind. Noble views of God’s sovereignty must be balanced with a complementary view of man’s duties and redeemed capacities. Neglect of this balance, while seeming to extol God’s greatness, can produce apathy or irresponsible attitudes. For example, God does not predestine mismanaged resources, families, politics, and so on, any more than He does human sinning. Man is responsible and accountable for earth’s problems and—reinstated under God—is intended to become the agent for their solution. He can only become such by drawing on God’s sovereign wisdom, power, and resource—that is, on God’s “kingdom.” Just as man’s sin and Fall have damaged the potential partnership between the Creator and His appointed heir to this planet, redemption has set the recovery in motion. Renewed under God, the redeemed may, in fact, partner with God and thereby decisively assist in the reestablishment of God’s rule over circumstances and situations on earth. But this only operates under the divine order within redemption’s plan under divine grace and through man’s receiving divine power by God’s Spirit."

Hayford, Jack W. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Hayford's Bible Handbook. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995


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