Fake Ballots, Batched Ballots, Stuffed Ballots Oh My!

2 years ago

Look Ahead America held a Town Hall Meeting at Scottsdale Studios on 10/21/21 wherein AZ Audit Senate Liasion Ken Bennett answered questions from the Citizens regarding the audit.

Many of them share their own personal testimonies as to the fraud they witnessed when they volunteered at the audit, including the fake ballots.

You may not want to watch it all, but be sure to check out Patty Porter at the 16 minute mark and then Gail Golec's question right after.

They are all good questions though, so I encourage you to check it out in it's entirety. It's so awesome to see the Patriots out there fighting back!!!

You will also see why many of the people were leaving and getting upset as time went on. They were sick and tired of hearing Ken's excuses and lack of honesty as to the results of the audit being incomplete.

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