Today's Esther & Today's Haman

2 years ago

🕊🔥A Word From The Lord & A Message Of Hope As We Stand For Righteousness🔥🕊
Last night I was working on a Word the Lord had given me to share here for all of you, when I received the word that my daughter Natasha was being taken to the hospital. It is 6:20 a.m. now and I have been up all night praying and determined to get this Word out! The devil might try but is never successful in any weapon that he tries to use against the children of our God!
Natasha was diagnosed with the big C and Pneumonia. Myself and many others are standing in agreement for her that by His stripes she is healed. She is a healthy and tough girl. Please agree and join us in prayer for her!
Natasha gave me the prayer shawl in the picture, from Israel a few years ago and for the first time tonight I took it out of it's package. It was time for it's purpose to be used. She is the best daughter I could have ever asked for. She is precious not just to her family but to everyone she meets.
The Lord has His timing so perfectly set for everything.
When I got this message yesterday I had no idea just how relevant it would be to my life today within hours.
Be blessed and make sure to listen to the end and allow me to pray over you all for all your prayers for Natasha.
Love, Cecilia 🌷

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