Where do we go from here? (Teaching 5 of 39) - The KOG Entrepreneur Show - Episode 12

2 years ago

"5. After the Flood (Gen. 8:20-9:17). Following the Deluge, a renewed order is established. Noah’s faith, which occasioned his deliverance, is now manifest in an expression of worship to God as he disembarks from the ark (8:20-22). God declares His covenant with Noah (9:8-17) after restating His purpose to make man to be fruitful and multiply, as at the beginning. However, other factors are not as at the beginning; notably the relationship of God with man, as well as of man with creation. The Flood has not reversed the loss of man’s original dominion. He is still fallen, though thankfully a recipient of God’s mercy. Further, the animals will fear mankind from this time on (9:2), which was not characteristic of their relationship prior to this. In the ultimate restoration of God’s kingdom on earth, the original fearless order will be regained (Is. 11:6-9). Notwithstanding these deficiencies, a cleansed realm for seeking God’s kingdom first is newly available to man, and again God asserts man’s responsibility for administrating earth with an accountability to Him (9:1-7). The Flood has not neutralized the influence of the Serpent, nor has it changed mankind’s capacity for rebellion against God’s rule. Nevertheless, new hope dawns with promise for the eventual recovery of what was lost of his first estate."

Hayford, Jack W. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Hayford's Bible Handbook. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995


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