How it was before things went wrong (Teaching 3 of 39) - The KOG Entrepreneur Show - Episode 10

2 years ago

Part 3 of 39: What man's situation was before the fall in the Garden of Eden and how Christians and Entrepreneurs are to deal with the situations we have been given.

"3. Before the Fall (Gen. 1:31). The original order of man’s environment on earth must be distinguished from what it became following the impact of man’s Fall, the Curse, and the eventual Deluge (Is. 45:18; Rom. 8:20; 2 Pet. 3:4-7). The agricultural, zoological, geological, and meteorological disharmony to which creation became subject must not be attributed to God. The perfect will of God, as founding King of creation, is not manifest in the presence of death, disease, discord, and disaster any more than it is manifest in human sin. Our present world does not reflect the kingdom order He originally intended for man’s enjoyment on earth, nor does it reflect God’s kingdom as it shall ultimately be experienced on this planet. Understanding this, we should be cautious not to attribute to “God’s will” or to “acts of God” those characteristics of our world that resulted from the ruin of God’s original order by reason of man’s Fall."

Hayford, Jack W. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Hayford's Bible Handbook. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995

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