Candidates for Term Limits: #1.) Gerald Nadler (NADS)

2 years ago

First in a series dedicated to showing how bad we need term limits on congress. In this example we have the "Gerald Nadler Poop Walk" on Camera. -->

State First Name Last Name Party Age Birthdate
California Dianne Feinstein Democratic 87 6/22/33
Iowa Chuck Grassley Republican 87 9/17/33
Alabama Richard Shelby Republican 86 5/6/34
Oklahoma Jim Inhofe Republican 86 11/17/34
Vermont Patrick Leahy Democratic 80 3/31/40
Vermont Bernie Sanders Independent - Dem Caucus 79 9/8/41
Kentucky Mitch McConnell Republican 78 2/20/42
Idaho Jim Risch Republican 77 5/3/43
Maryland Ben Cardin Democratic 77 10/5/43
Maine Angus King Independent - Dem Caucus 76 3/31/44
Illinois Dick Durbin Democratic 76 11/21/44

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