Prophetic Vision Of God And The Curse Of Religion

3 years ago

Breaking the curse of religion and truly knowing God. Is this of God or not? Are people having dreams, visions, and revelations? Are people in the way of God

God gave me a vision to share with you guys. He is revealing to me something He is very concerned with. Some know religion but do they know God? Some judge others based off their standards but do they know God? Some reject a move of God because even though they think they know God, their are parts of Him they don't know. Some organizations believe they are the only ones who know God, and that fully understand God. Churches can unite because even though we all claim to serve Jesus, we all know him differently. All of this causes people to falsely represent God, mislead God's people, abort newborns in the faith, block the move of God, and do more harm than good. What we end up serving is religion instead of Go

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