Politically Provoked: Transhumanism debate, J.F. Gariepy vs Flausny

2 years ago

If we convert to a centralized control of AI and allow the ai to select the 'best' genetic offspring, then a network of scientists and doctors will be impacting how everyone will be bearing children and how everyone will be transmitting their genes. Evolution becomes so that you don’t become better for yourself but you become better for the group. If you let evolution be determined by a centralized AI, we will evolve to be a better servant to the structure that exists which is the AI. When it gets to gene modification, we will be taking an evolutionary route that will make us a lesser version of ourselves.
Rebuttal, Flausny says that our human drives us to evolve. The question not if we will modify our genes, it is how and to whom. One example is a Chinese scientist creating twins that were immune to aids.
What J.F. Gariepy is saying is that humans with be outbred by the genetically enhanced humans evolutionarily. Does that type of natural selection occur in the wild without radically changing the human genome? We know that people with high IQ generally don’t reproduce as much. He believes it will be the genomic that will extend human life, allow for multiple generations of people which will cause genetically enhanced people to outbreed normal human genes. The first case in China with the Chinese twins turned out to have negative effects. J.F. Gariepy says that the basic mechanisms that breed more and have more babies will have more representation in the future.
J.F. Gariepy says something very profound, he says that we are already slipping into a type of pseudo authoritarian state take a look at China where they have a social credit score and they are committing a type of genocide against their own people. If we go down this dystopian route and start playing with enhanced genes, future generations won't evolve to keep your family warm and well fed, but instead will evolve to be a better 'server' or 'slave' to the master AI. Do you think we will have to craft legislation to stop the # of babies that people will have from a Crispr evolution. What if these public health officials start pushing gene editing start making changes that is good for society but will be bad for the individual.
Should we allow human genefication? Flausny is saying that they are already doing it, should we let the Chinese hold a monopoly over a technology or should we try to compete with it. Even if there is a worldwide hold on Crispr technology, do you really trust the Chinese to not exploit this technology. From past experiences, the Chinese will do everything they can to exploit anything that they think will benefit themselves even if it is at the cost of humanity?
Would you be against genetically modifying cancer out of babies. J.F. Gariepy surprisingly says absolutely not, but he is worried that even if we modify one gene of DNA, we will soon go down a slippery slope that will lead to the destruction of Humanity.

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