Villeneuve Vertigo aerobatic competition 2003, shot and produced by Guillaume Braoust

3 years ago

2003 Villeneuve Vertigo hang gliding aerobatic run the last day, freestyle format Sunday, and the second day I chose to attempt to land on the raft.
The first day over shot the raft after a couple of lower speed started and stopped maneuvers under 100m agl, the second pull up around 2m above the water.
Sunday setting up farther away, intending to pull up at 1m, at top speed, guessing around 170kmh, missed. Attribute the fuck up to changing light, light cirrus cover set in, I took off sunglasses in flight, personal issues, a girlfriend breakup, and actually seriously thought about dragging my hand in the water at 110mph...
Got away with rug burns and bruised left side of my head from impact with the water, and scrapes on right side from being dragged over the rail of the boat. Did not lose consciousness, I'm comfortable taking a beating in the water, grew up water skiing, surfing big waves, still got 2nd place money.
Wills Wing T2 154 lower side wires shortened 3/5", increased anhedral makes it roll much faster than the stock length, but takes time to be able to track straight at high speed without dutch roll pilot induced oscillation.

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