EP 28- Full Blown Tyranny: It Is Our Duty To Stand Up

3 years ago

In this episode I talk about how Joe Biden & his cronies continuously lie and are using intimidation to try and silence those who are standing up and speaking out against their tyranny. They are pushing medical apartheid and forcing people to put something into their body that they don't want. And If they refuse, people are losing their jobs.
- I also dive into how these so called Democrats don't actually care about our founding principles or our founding documents. They don't believe in the Constitution and are working to convince Americans that this nation was founded on white supremacy. The Left cant stand you!
- I discuss those who are standing up and saying they "will not comply!" No one is coming to save us! Its time for Americans to stand up to the Biden regime and their medical tyranny. Its time for civil disobedience!
And Much More...

-The Constitutional Conservative Podcast

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Intro Music By BenSound.com

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