How to make Ghormeh Sabzi ? Persian herbs stew, traditional and delicious food

2 years ago

Ghormeh Sabzi is one of the most delicious Iranian dishes that date back to about 5000 years ago. this is a food that if you try once, you will never forget its memorable taste.
1- Fried onion (2 large onions)
2- 500 grams of mutton
3- 5 Omani lemons
4- Enough spices (salt-pepper-turmeric)
5- Red beans 1 glass medium
6- 400 grams of fried vegetables (leeks, coriander, and parsley in the amount of +1/3 spinach and fenugreek)
How to prepare
Set aside the red beans separately in a small saucepan (with some water to cover the beans).
In another pot, fry the meat with hot onion and good spices
Then, with 3 glasses of water, we put the meat with Omani lemon and cook it with gentle heat. After about 1 hour, we add fried vegetables and cooked beans with water to it and let the stew settle with a gentle heat. And cook the meat, if the amount of water in the stew is too low and the meat does not cook, add another glass of hot water to the stew. enjoy it.

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