Modern Errors on Capital Punishment

2 years ago

In regard to the death penalty, one can only conclude that the present Magisterium…that is the present, modern teaching authority of the Church which has not attended to the Magisterium of past ages…is in a state of discontinuity or rupture with Tradition. The present teaching of modern popes and bishops is at least highly ambiguous, or unsound, or dubious, or even erroneous. As Fr. Kevin Flannery, a one time consulter to the Sacred Congregation of the Faith, stated: The realm of human affairs is a messy one, full of at least apparent inconsistency and incoherence, and the recent teaching of the Catholic Church on capital punishment—vitiated (corrupted)…by errors of historical fact and interpretation—is no exception. And such confusion and error is not unheard of. As the Church has stated in the past, it could happen that some non-infallible Magisterial documents might have a few deficiencies that will eventually be corrected by the Church. But we must ask why this untraditional view on the death penalty entered into the Church? What worldly ideas have badly influenced the present Magisterium?

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