Nick Ferrante Candidate For Peachtree City Mayor

2 years ago

Election Day is Nov 2nd
Now it’s your time for you to defend your city!

Run for Something PAC: Top Contributors, 2018 Cycle

Endorsement Information

What it takes to be endorsed by Run For Something.

About - Run For Something

1. A political action committee named has endorsed and made one their shining stars, Nicholas Ferrante, running for mayor of Peachtree City, Ga
2. Ferrante had to APPLY for and go through a screening process to get this endorsement by them.
3. He had to share their Progressive Socialist agenda to get this endorsement.
4. Their goal is this: Run for Something recruits and supports young first-time candidates running for local office with the goal of building progressive infrastructure at the state and local level and winning sustainable power.
All of this can be found on their website.
I am waiting on him to either confirm or deny this. He can't deny it. If he does, then he should denounce them, their platform, and have them remove his "shining star" profile and ringing endorsement.
By the way, The interview with the PAC's founder (linked below) tells you all you need to know about their agenda. They are going to sneak liberal socialist progressive candidates into conservative areas and build power while
changing the the communities they now govern. It's scary. He's scary. He's sneaky, and he can't deny the facts.

And last but not least, an interview with their founder on how they plan on taking over America with their socialist progressive candidates…don’t forget, Nick Ferrante is their local shining star (Their words).

This is frightening.

And he is RADIO silent. He won’t respond to this.
We can’t have a Socialist Progressive Mayor in Peachtree City! Look at any city with a Progressive mayor: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA…what do you see? Crime, homeless encampments and more.

Onward Together donated $100,000 to Run for Something

Onward Together

ActBlue donated over 50,000 to Run for Something (if you go to Open Secrets site and click on donors, you can see who the donors are).

Act Blue describes in their website what Run for Something stands for.....

In the email Run for Something, it lists who their donors are.. That has to be shown.

These people are dangerous.

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