3 years ago

Hi beautiful! Today, in this subliminal audio, I wrote affirmations for extreme good luck! The full benefits are listed below! 🍀🍀 BENEFITS 🍀🍀 ✎ Extreme good luck forever ✎ Mind completely reprogrammed to be lucky ✎ Luckiest person on earth; top-tier best luck ✎ Good fortune + victorious mindset ✎ Luck in life; work, career, love, friends, school, money, health, happiness, etc. ✎ Attract good opportunities and positivities ✎ Live in prosperity and abundance ✎ Attract miracles and privileges ✎ Everything happens in your favor ✎ Be successful; destined to be a winner ✎ Manifest instantly anything your heart desire ✎ All your dreams and goals come true in one listen ✎ Always be at the right place at the perfect moment ✎ Be aligned with the energy of infinite good luck ✎ Good, positive vibrational energy ✎ Manifest your lucky charm ✎ Notice angels numbers / lucky symbols everywhere **Booster** ✎ Breathing/drinking/blinking/smiling attract good luck ✎ Your body is a luck magnet; each heart beat makes you luckier ✎ Every positive thoughts you affirm become reality immediately ✎ Embody good luck permanently; born with good luck forever ✎ DNA ingrained results + live in the end ♪ music used: bts - best of me (doo piano) ʚ ♡ ɞ note: this subliminal is layered and looped multiple times! ღ What are subliminals? ღ Subliminals audios are affirmations I produced myself that are hidden in the audio that only your subconscious can perceive it
With repeated listening, your unconscious mind accepts the suggestions as true and fulfill your thoughts into reality!

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