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Shifty Adam Shiff

3 years ago

BREAKING:Matt Gaetz 100 Storm the Phony Witch Hunt Hearing of Adam Schiff!
InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Oct 23, 2019

BREAKING:Matt Gaetz 100 (48 Freedom Caucus Reps & approx. 52+ GOP staffers) Storm the Phony Witch Hunt Hearing of Adam Schiff! The Demorat cowards flee the Constitutionalist patriots and adjourn hearing. 100 Patriots can make a difference! What if millions of us showed up at the US Capitol? Americans are fed up with endless witch hunts of corrupt & tyrannical Democrats, SUPPORT INSPONEWS: PayPal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WSGDRN8NEU38J&source=url
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The President's priorities are putting AMERICA FIRST. President Trump's agenda is visionary and with Solomonic wisdom - he will prosper & defend our country at all costs.
Call and support him today. 1-202-456-1111
Call your Congressman and Senator 1-202-224-3121
Call the Dept. of Justice & Bill Barr 1-202-514-2000 1-202-353-1555
Call the President:1-202-456-1111
InspoNews Office Tel: 1-407-961-9480
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God's blessings & liberty to all.
Federico Cardella
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InspoNews - Bold enough to report the raw TRUTH

😂🤣😂Shifty Adam Schiff Parody😂🤣😂
America's Keepers
Published on Nov 8, 2019

Americas Keepers - Don't Tread On Liberty -Patriot apparel and more... http://americaskeepers.com (USE DISCOUNT TAKE20 FOR 20% OFF)

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Watch Elise Stefanik Trigger Schiff out the gate-Female lawmaker agitates Schiff off his game
InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Nov 14, 2019

BREAKING: Adam had a plan - he was so condescending, smug, syrupy self righteous in his opening statement and as he pompously swore in the 2 SES traitors -at the sound of female Elise's voice of truth it all went off the rails from there for Schiff & his rabid impeach Trump gang of Democrats. SUPPORT INSPONEWS: PayPal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WSGDRN8NEU38J&source=url
BECOME A PARTNER: Patreon https://www.patreon.com/insponews
Adam Schiff doesn't care about the truth or justice - this all about the sick do nothing Democrat strategy to SMEAR the President through the 2020 elections. But what most Americans want is JUSTICE for the real corrupt actors in government. When will Bill Barr, John Durham and a revived DOJ ride into Dodge City DC in white hats like Sheriff Dillion and begin to prosecute the bad guys trashing the saloon while intimidating all the law keepers in town?
The President's priorities are putting AMERICA FIRST. President Trump's agenda is visionary and with Solomonic wisdom - he will prosper, protect & defend our great country at all costs.
Call and support him today. 1-202-456-1111
Call your Congressman and Senator 1-202-224-3121
Call the Dept. of Justice & Bill Barr 1-202-514-2000 1-202-353-1555
https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/https://www.wikihow.com/Contact-the-P...Call the President:1-202-456-1111
InspoNews Office Tel: 1-407-961-9480
Subscribe to our channel and don't forget to RING THE BELL
God's blessings & liberty to all.Federico Cardella
GET THE MUSIC - https://goo.gl/Ap4j9s (Square)InspoNews - Bold enough to report the raw TRUTH


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