The true face of intolerance and hate

2 years ago

The true face of intolerance and hate

Warning ⚠️ graphic in nature

The individual in this video was a former friend. Without even trying to have a conversation, without trying to research the facts and with rage and violence in his heart and eyes, he made the decision based on what he's seen on television solely, that he knows exactly what is happening with a situation he has no first hand knowledge in. He directed that in a way that was (to say the least) unbecoming and unflattering. Ironically, he labels me as violent, all while he's engaged in shouting, looking rage filled and approaching me with the intent to engage physically.

This is a classic example of what we're trying to turn around in our community with The Experience Media. We're trying to get people to really critically think and discern, and not subscribe to what they're spoon fed by main stream media, who will all too often report recklessly, irresponsibly, without any regard for the individual they're reporting on, no follow up at all of any consequence or meaning, not telling the whole story in what we refer to as "Drive by" or "Casual" or "ratings and profit" driven media.

We're going to hold these reporters and media outlets to a new standard. A standard that's responsible, ethical, moral, kind and virtuous. We know for a fact that most reporters want to do a good job. We know that they want to be upstanding and filled with integrity. We know that managers and production want the same. Unfortunately, so many are directed to just report what sells in a way that will sell. And that sacrifices so much in our community. It turns good people into criminals in the eyes of the public, generally wrongfully so.

We'll be creating a rating and ranking system for all of these reporters and media outlets. The public will be able to see where they stand, as well as so they can all try to be better and more committed to actual truth. That's what people want and what they deserve. We're calling this endeavor "Tell the Truth". In "Tell the Truth" we'll be doing follow ups on stories these agencies have done, with the individuals being reported on, in order to get a more clear and concise picture of what is truly going on. We will also do these follow ups in an effort to hold these media reporting agencies accountable for retractions and corrections, as well as informing the aggrieved how they can sue for inaccurate reporting, libel, slander and defamation.

My hope is that our community will elevate to a level of compassion and understanding that's so powerful and strong...that truly serves everyone, as opposed to just the elites and those controlling and driving the narrative and agenda. My deeper hope is that everyone will learn to have a civil conversation and healthy discourse with those they may feel a deep misunderstanding for. In this way we really and truly start to understand one another and start to become closer and more indelibly and tightly interwoven and knit.

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