Ep# 153 Inflation!!!

3 years ago

4.4% Inflation affecting the CDN Economy/ Federal Politicians won't return to Parliament until 22 November and Identity mandates in Recent Municipal Elections (Calgary and Edmonton).


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From MP Pierre Poilievre's Page: 4.4% INFLATION: https://youtu.be/KN3RwojDQUs

Inside the Story's Video: https://youtu.be/wKtdGjhohr0

Woke and Identity Mandates , From Rebel News: https://youtu.be/njE9OdCm1AE

and from REBEL DAILY: https://youtu.be/KOfSXg3VV5M

Spencer Fernando: https://spencerfernando.com/2021/10/18/independent-media-has-become-the-real-opposition-to-the-government/

From Calgary Herald, Mayor Elect Ms. Jyoti Gondek: https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/jyoti-gondek-poised-for-win-will-be-first-woman-to-serve-as-calgarys-mayor

If you're a VET, You know a VET who needs HELP, Call 911 or 1-800-268-7708 *💥

Veterans Coalition Party: Veterans Coalition Party of Canada, https://veteranscoalitionpartyofcanada.com/


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Follow Frank P Vaughn here: https://www.frankvaughan.ca/

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