Zuckerbucks: How The Facebook Mogul Privatized Local Election Offices Last Year

3 years ago


Molly Hemmingway's new book "Rigged" is about how Jeff Zuckerberg funded Left-wing groups that infiltrated local election offices in key swing states last year, encouraging ballot harvesting, ballot curing, and other COVID "exceptions" to election law that were used to hand the election to Biden. Will details this new angle to last year's skulduggery.

#17thAmendment #VaccineMandates #FederalVersusStatePower #JeffZuckerberg #Zuckerbucks #Rigged #MollyHemmingway #2020Election #2024Election #VoterFraud #BallotCuring #BallotHarvesting #Pennysylvania #Wisconsin #Georgia #StaceyAbrams #TexasDemocrats

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