Catechism of the Council of Trent – Part 1 of 4 – Lesson 1 - Foreword...

2 years ago

Catechism of the Council of Trent – Part 1 of 4 – Lesson 1 - Foreword...the true Roman Catholic Church, in the person of Her true Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, teaches by His Supreme Teaching Authority and Divine Right and Command, this doctrine of salvation to the mankind, which has been promulgated by the Holy Council of Trent, for the purpose of instructing the Catholic faithful unto salvation and preservation of the dogmas and doctrines received from God through His Church, inside of which all are well instructed in the rudiments and doctrinal theological principles of the genuine Catholic religion, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition – these Pontifical teaching lessons are to be accepted and regarded at their exalted value of that infallibility supplied by our Lord to His Church, outside of which no-one can be saved, and with which doctrine of salvation none can go astray...


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