Plans Announced for an Aussie Lunar Rover | SpaceTime with Stuart Gary S24E118

3 years ago

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The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 118
*Plans announced for an Aussie lunar rover
NASA has asked the Australian Space Agency to develop a robotic rover to find, study and transport regolith on the lunar surface.
*Astronomers conduct a supernova post mortem
Astronomers have delved deep into the remains of a thermonuclear supernova explosion. The new data reported in the Astrophysical Journal has allowed scientists to study the devastated remains of the progenitor white dwarf star which triggered the blast – in incredible detail.
*A new hypothetical protoplanet
A team of planetary scientists have come up with a something new to look for in the heavens called a synestia -- a huge, at this stage still hypothetical spinning, donut-shaped mass of hot, vaporized rock, formed as planet-sized objects smash into each other.
*Space the final frontier
‘I hope I never recover from it’ – they were the words of a highly emotional William Shatner following his journey into space aboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard.
*The Science Report
Australians advised to get a booster third COVID-19 vaccination shot.
60% of Antarctic ice shelves vulnerable to melt-induced cracks which could trigger ice shelf collapse.
Roof top solar systems could provide is more than the world’s total energy consumption in 2018.
Converting to renewable energy will cost Australian consumers over a trillion dollars.
Skeptic's guide to the dangers of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
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