They're All In It Together - Bill Gates, Corporate Media and of course Vaccine Corporations

2 years ago

They're All In It Together - Bill Gates, Corporate Media and of course Vaccine Corporations

An investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Corporation are the primary funders of the UK's Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, and that the Foundation also owns major shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech.

Big Pharma's obsession with maximizing profits. Pfizer is the corporation that has profited most from Covid-19 vaccines to date. Pfizer uses its power to aggressively defend and extend its patents.

The total sales for the Pfizer vaccine will likely exceed $30 billion in 2021 alone. Pfizer shares its profits with its partner company—which means they are expecting at least $15 billion this year, bumping their total revenue next year to around $60 billion, one quarter of which will be accounted for by the vaccine. According to one financial journalist "That would make it the second-highest revenue generating drug anytime, anywhere."

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