Mozambique National Anthem (Instrumental) Pátria Amada

3 years ago

"Pátria Amada" ([ˈpatɾjɐ ɐˈmaðɐ]; 'Beloved Homeland') is the national anthem of Mozambique, approved by law in 2002.
It was written by Salomão J. Manhiça and it replaced "Viva, Viva a FRELIMO".

(Portuguese Lyrics / Letra)
𝄆 Moçambique nossa terra gloriosa
Pedra a pedra construindo um novo dia
Milhões de braços, uma só força
Oh pátria amada, vamos vencer 𝄇

(English Lyrics / Translation)
𝄆 Mozambique, our Glorious Land
Rock by rock constructing the new day
Millions of arms in one only force
O Loved fatherland we will be successful 𝄇

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