Teacher Caught Using CRT Indoctrination On Kids, Ed Sec Says State Is In Control Of Kids

3 years ago

The Secretary of Education under Joe Biden, Secretary Miguel Cardona basically just said that The State is the primary stakeholder in the education of children, rather than the parents of said children! Unbelievable. How could you get THAT question SO wrong? Not only that, but proof of a teacher in ohio indocrinating pre-teens using the philosophies of Critical Race Theory (communism based in melanin content) while promoting the Ibram X Kendi book, Stamped (for kids). Thing are REALLY getting out of hand. Also, why does it seem like every single day, the leftists in America sound more and more like the Borg from Star Trek?! Unsettling to say the least. "You Will Be Assimilated!"
#CRT #LetsGoBrandon #education #EndFedEd #borgcollective

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