The Christian Die-Hards

2 years ago

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No matter how much believers try to avoid hardship or a fight, it is unavoidable. Something eventually will come down the pike to call them them into the ring. It is just the way it is. Sometimes it will be a full scale assault from demonic invading forces. Other times it will be terrible things that happen that are just part of this life. And many times, that is when the enemy of our souls rides those terrible things like a carnival ride.

We do not really know what is in us until we are pushed into a corner, and we realize we have to fight or die. I know that is an extreme way to put it. But no one ever fights for something that has zero value. Our first response to an attack or some hard thing thrust at us feels like a sucker punch that leaves us staggering about.

I have noticed that during that initial strike we become instantly overwhelmed, and that is when we feel as if we cannot stand up to it. Not long after a moment occurs that I have experienced, and it is when I lock into that fight. I can feel the power of the Holy Spirit and His great weightiness enter within to fight for me. When you think about it, when has even a nation not fought to save it's own citizens and land? When has a mother not stood up and laid down her life for her baby? Even animals do the same.

Christ fought for you and me. He fought the greatest fight that is unmatchable. He did that in order to save you, and to fight for you through your life. To undergird you with power, and to arm you with Himself. Your life may be in what feels like a meat grinder right now. You may feel that waves and billows are crashing upon your head and you cannot come up for air. While others are being pursued by evil human sources and spirits. Jesus Christ sits in His throne in heaven as your Defender. He died and lives for you, and He will live with you and when you come to die, He will be the first one to meet you.

Jesus stood at the right hand of God at the stoning of Stephen to honor him. Yet, I tend to think that Jesus also stood up to be the One to greet Stephen at his entrance into eternity. I believe Jesus stands for you now as He did for Stephen, and will also welcome you into heaven with joy. This life is not forever, and we "fight the good fight of faith" and we "war a good warfare."

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward." For He saith, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

"He will place you on the battlefield with courage and take you off with honor." William Gurnall

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