Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen

2 years ago

Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen:

Internal Facebook study says Instagram Hikes Suicidal Thoughts by 13.5%

Depression author Debra Atlas available for interviews

Facebook insider Frances Haugen made bombshell revelations against the tech giant on CBS 60 Minutes October 4

"It’s been known that since at least 2015, social media has been linked to teens having suicidal thoughts and a correlating rise in teen suicide. This is a national tragedy. Although Instagram and Facebook aren’t the only factor involved in this spike, they must take real action to remove the damaging content that spurs this growing epidemic. We must hold Facebook accountable but also realize that parents are setting up their kids for potential self-harm and even the risk of suicide through allowing unrestricted access to social media apps like Facebook & Instagram where profit, even at the expense of teen safety, is job #1."

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