How to make crispy rice cake? Persian chiken tahchin, Iranian recipe, easy to cook

2 years ago

tah chin is a famous and delicious food in Iran, often serve to the ceremony. this recipe is easy to cook. try it and enjoy.

4 large boneless chicken
1/5 cups of yogurt
Enough saffron
50 g butter
2 eggs
Cinnamon in the required amount
Dried rice for 4 people
Preparation method:
First, cook the chicken with a glass of water and a little salt over low heat.
Then mix the egg well with a mixer and mix it with yogurt, a little saffron, and 1 glass of rice, water, and chopped cooked chicken.
Pour some oil into the bottom of a pot and pour this mixture into a pot, strain it with a spoon and then sprinkle cinnamon on it. Let it cook with gentle heat.

#tahchin#tahchin recipe#howtocook#persianfood

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