Benny Wills | Featured Guest on Grand Theft World 08

3 years ago

Richard Grove welcomes poet, comedian and AUTONOMY graduate Benny Wills in a discussion of how Benny moved toward living a life of meaning and autonomy, creating art based on being his authentic self. Topics include Benny’s comedy troupe Joy Camp, his character Conspiracy Guy, and how Benny sparked Richard’s curiosity and subsequent research into Event 201 and the Covid19 backstory.

They also discuss the art of Parrhesia, which means speaking boldly and truly, and Benny’s course by the same name. Video clips include Joy Camp’s surreal rendition of Plato’s Cave Allegory.

You've got a few days left to get in on season 1 of  @Benny Wills  verbal communication masterclass, PARRHESIA - it starts next week, and I paid in full to be one of the first students enrolled in his course... and I've already taken it once already, along with many others.

Don't miss it!

Learn more, go to

Benny's YouTube:
Benny's Website:


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