Take Your Power Back - David Icke

2 years ago

Take Your Power Back - David Icke

My relatives are simply too terrified to fight the government. They know its poison but simply said they need they need their jobs. What a short sighted and spineless mentality. Humans belong in factories, either as slave labor or cattle.

Hate to say it but only about 1% of everyone in my area of the USA is awake the other 99% is woke and brainwashed worshiping baby murder and Homosexuality more than God and don't forget Obama they worship him so much he hasn't even been arrested for making Covid and the Mark of The Beast you can even get $100 gift card for your soul now sorry Satan not even for $1 Trillion gift card

It does make sense that Covid-19 is a hoax. The gatekeepers are the ones behind closed doors analyzing the PCR test swabs. They can call any cold or flu, Covid-19. The president of Tanzania sent in a swab of a paw-paw fruit, a goat and motor oil. All came back positive. That president has died mysteriously.

Furthermore, any cold and flu season has lots of people going to the hospitals. Any media outlet can sensationalize a group of people in an ICU. Again, just call it Covid-19 because of the PCR lab gatekeepers. Who are those people? What are their directives?

I mean, something was definitely going around in America's Pacific Northwest area in Jan/Feb 2020. I knew a couple of people who had come down with pneumonia-type flus, or so we thought at the time. I'm starting to wonder if SARS-CoV-2 was really some sort of airborne, self-replicating nanotech release that causes DNA and/or RNA strand damage, triggering the multitude of symptoms we have been associating with "covid-19". Might also explain some other oddities we've seen in the past 18 months, like bird die-offs.

Santa Claus virus, everybody believes it but it does not exist, and they are making their list of who is naughty or who is nice, Claus is watching you so you better watch out.

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