War Thunders Biggest Cats come out at last! Thunder at 6.7

2 years ago

Time to move up to the biggest and toughest tanks of the WW2 German lineup. Some good gameplay and a decent lesson on these biggest of the Big Cats. And a good rant on planes and how a plane bomb kill is simply a FREE kill for that player and there is nothing you can do to stop it. I've been watching total player numbers slip into the 38k range and it worries me. THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE SERIOUS TANK PLAYERS! And having played the game with well over 100k players online I know this one big thing is losing players who might stay for years. You cannot build a game on infinite new players coming in, esp when you have a huge player base that have played YEARS and want to continue but you keep screwing them with a problem like this. And adding new tanks no one ever heard of or cared about just to be bombed in the same way is never going to help. I love this game! Get the word out they have to deal with this. If they lost 20k players who love getting free kills for nothing they might get back 150k that left due to driving 5 minutes not getting off a shot due to bombs repeating that and not being able to spawn....I have called it quits many a night myself for that. The best tank game out there could have 500k online right now, gameplay changes in favor of fairness will decide that!

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