Is Critical Race Theory breaking America ? | Rajiv Malhotra & Peter Boghossian

3 years ago

Peter Boghossian & Rajiv Malhotra discuss how Literary Theory is blocking critical thinking in Liberal Arts education in America. For decades, the cartel of academic ideologues have produced pseudo-intellectual theories which have been exported from the US to India where it has infiltrated politics & media. Will Breaking India Forces be replicated in the USA as Breaking America Forces?

Time stamps :

00:00 - Teaser- Breaking America Syndrome
01:55 - Guest Introduction
02:44 - Peter resigns from Portland State University
05:25 - What is illiberalism
06:46 - What is 'idea laundering'
08:34 - What is peer-review-cartel
13:42 - 5 waves post India's independence
19:40 - Will Critical Race Theory help disrupt the class system
21:46 - What is Title Six Grants
28:04 - Breaking India Syndrome
29:10 - Breaking India politics
31:44 - India under foreign invasions
33:45 - Woke Culture and Subalternism
35:21 - Why are Indian liberals popular in the US
39:34 - Sheldon Pollock attacks Sanskrit
40:21 - American colonization of India
41:05 - Exporting US Liberal arts theories to India
43:32 - Diversity hoax in the American corporate world
48:42 - Woke Culture & Corporates
51:15 - Mechanisms to counter illiberalism
53:24 - Artificial Intelligence fueling narratives

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