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The Truth About Colin Powell: Freedomain Livestream October 18, 2021

3 years ago

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux details the moral horrors of the late Colin Powell.



  • 0/2000
  • I love it when you do politics.

  • But but Stefan, Trump had mean tweets. MEAN. TWEETS. He's obviously the hell spawn of satan himself. All Colin did was participate, and coordinate the blowing to pieces of masses of poor people. Clearly he's a better person than Trump.

  • Y - I feel this everyday, but I feel I'm living in interesting times so I'm sticking around for the entertainment 😅

  • First~Never Worst.

    1 like
  • Stefan, if nobody has mentioned it, the tv show The Good Place touches on this and has philosophy in it as well

    1 like
  • In HOUSE TV show, Dr. House injured his hand so that he could hate that pain and not focus on his leg.

    1 like
  • I was sick all September with a cold. I am wondering if I had COVID. I took a COVID test and it was negative but I never had a cold for that long before.

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  • The real question is how did he get the whole world to call him colon, when his name is clearly Colin, and WHY?!

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  • Steff your thoughts on Squid game and the "let's go brandon meme"?

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  • I know you don't like doing politics nowadays, but I for one really enjoyed this. Your take on these matters is always poignant and much appreciated.

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  • Stefan when are you going to do that Pink Floyd the Wall analysis?

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  • your rite my friend

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  • Current medical treatments from Big Pharma actually block healing modalities God has designed into the human body for healing power

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  • ),3 The fam¡lies-of-Jesu¡t-controlled C|A seized mainstream news in the 20th century. In the 21st century they controlled all alternative media too.  See Altiy@n child’s video on freem@sonry on b¡tchute. Then look at any influencer’s photo’s , mainstream or “alternative”. Some are discreet, others not, but all are m@sons and probably jesu¡ts, even Alex Jones has been seen doing a m@sonic handshake (Masonry’s a s@t@n¡c cult. See the video). See videos of Milo Yiannopoulos, M@x Kellerman and A@tish Taseer? Seem similar? They are all the same person, of the families of jesu¡t, deceiving the public. More examples on w0rld news spell dot com. Dem0cracy’s an illusion. Elections are st@ged the@tre designed to make us feel like we’re in control. This is evidenced by how the simps0ns predicted Trump. All predeterm¡ned. Politicians are just glorified m0vie characters. News, mainstream or not, is fabr¡cated crises made to justify whatever policy the cult wanted anyway. Climate change, covid, you name it. Everything’s f@ke. Humans are seen as t@x livestock. Due to automation displacing jobs, we will soon be seen as drains on earth’s resources, and killed. Spread far and wide. We urgently need the truth to get out.