Truth by Billie Beene E1-252 101821 La Palma Update/Cosmic Rays/Med Beds!

3 years ago

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Refs: God, Bible, Patriot Subscribers + Gene Decode, Clif High. Alex Jones, Dr Steve Pieczenik, Bushcraft Bear, BPEarthwatch, Nancy Drew, ShariRaye, Hal Turner, cirstenw2, Dr Wm Mount101721, MikePenny, Jessie Czebotar
youtube Truth by Billie Beene E157 Alien Disclosure by a Redmeck God/Clif High/Reality
iconnectfx Israeli News Live-Steven Ben-nun 101721
Pentagon Scientist Fear La Palma Catastrophe & ET's Plan for Humanity
youtube angelfall923 Best and Taylor -Delusions, Chaos,, La Palma
youtube Lois Vogel Sharp 101721 Brace for Impact
youtube Paul Begley- 101721-liens Attack Earth with 1500 Cosmic Rays

Playlist: Truth by Billie Beene Alien Disclosure by a Redneck

Contact and Support : Billie Beene
POB 476
Sweeny, TX 77480
My channels are dedicated to providing truth in news and Bible teaching and innovative writing. Thank you for your support and encouragement! May God bless you and yours!

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