E. 89 Acting, life coaching and overcoming adversity (with Adam Broomfield-Strawn)

2 years ago

Here in this video I talk to Adam Broomfield-strawn about showbiz last names; how he got into coaching arts; dealing with mental health issues; re-framing adversity; 'This too shall pass'; how he benefits from coaching others; Becoming Christian; Nicky Gubel's story (disproving Christianity which led him to become Christian); Prayer; the trouble with 'I forgive but I won't forget'; people spend most of their time thinking about themselves; usefulness of coaching; rather than 'I can't..' say 'I am learning how to..'; changing our thoughts about the past; free will vs predetermination; talent stacking; personal change vs demanding country/global change; 57:00 his pitch for veganism: 'Because animal abuse is wrong'; measuring the life/frequency of plants; philosophy on taking acting roles; taking acting as a priority and doing whatever it takes; acting classes vs on the job experience; his experience with stand-up & the support between comedians for each other.

Adam's links:
His website: www.absolutioncoaching.co.uk
YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfdhvUeuZklhURHPHwrSCpA
Instagram - @absolutioncoaching
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Absolutioncoachinguk/

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