Ending Immunity for Vaccine Manufacturers

2 years ago

One year before COVID, I led a press conference at the MN State Capitol with Senator Abler announcing legislation we drafted to remove civil and criminal immunity from pharmaceutical companies which make vaccines. For those new to the health freedom fight, please watch the intro to this video to learn about how Big Pharma bought immunity from Congress and no longer has an incentive to make safe products.

A few weeks ago, President Biden quietly had the Dept of Labor set up a vaccine injury fund to compensate federal employees who are injured or killed by vaccines due to his vaccine mandate. Meanwhile, the Dept of Labor and OSHA decided to NOT allow private employers to use the worker's compensation fund to compensate private employees who are injured by vaccines for fear that this would drain the fund.

Federally, vaccine manufacturers have been granted FULL civil and criminal immunity from harm to patients. Three years ago (yes, prior to SARS-Cov2), I led a press conference at the MN State Capitol to reinstate product liability for vaccine manufacturers.

"If vaccines are safe and everyone believes that they don't cause injury or can't, then there should be no problem with allowing people to have civil cases against vaccine manufactures." - Representative Jeremy Munson May 14, 2019

This year, I am introducing new legislation to allow for civil liability against private employers who mandate vaccines as a condition of employment. You can support vaccines, while also supporting product safety and liability. When you remove all civil and criminal liability from a for-profit product, you will end up with a product that becomes increasingly unsafe.
For the Facebook Factcheckers: The link to the official US Dept of Labor bulletin is below:


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