1 Cor 7 Marrage and your calling

2 years ago

This letter is in response to what he had been told on top of the first letter he had written.
Some how this congregation has decided to encourage not going to bed with their wife.
Paul was not encouraging that practice. Let each man have his own wife. Not put her off.
That was encourage by the Essenes sect which died off in one generation.
To abstain was to be very temporary.
Let's be peaceful. Live in Shalom even if the marriage is not perfect for the sake of the children.
He tells all the congregations that they are called in Jewish families, called in gentiles families and do not seek to change the family they were called into. Some Jews did an operation to reverse circumcision to compete in the games.
Do this chapter say that we stay the way you were born, Rich , poor, slave , free?

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