Lebanon Currency Collapse Shows Why Bankers and Politicians Cannot Be Trusted.

3 years ago

#inflation #bankers #government #dollar #hyperinflation #centralbank #Lebanon #Lira #FederalReserve #fiatcurrency #gold #silver

Today we will look at what has been going on in Lebanon since September of 2019 and how it could very easily happen in the West.

We will reference an interview that Silver Bullion TV did with Ali Chehade who is a Beirut-based video producer.

SBTV interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvAhn2aHYc0&t=3972s

maneco64 video about Lebanon from July 2020 - Lebanon is the First Domino to Fall in the Fiat Currency Reset.: https://youtu.be/2KuziAUjhWQ

maneco64 interview with John Titus from July 2021 - BlackRock's Going Direct Reset and the Financial Coup d'État.: https://youtu.be/s9Md5TwkSKs


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