If Jesus Comes Tomorrow

2 years ago

⚜️👑🕊 If Jesus Comes Tomorrow 🔥🕊👑⚜️
Country music was a big part of my youth. My family were all Country fans and it was always playing somewhere. So when I heard this song it took me way back to some wonderful memories of all my immediate family which are all at Home with our Lord. It's been only me as the oldest of our family since my oldest sister Pat went home about 12 yrs ago. I miss them all so much but I had to smile singing this song thinking that they might just be listening. You never know.
The song has a really blunt and true meaning. If Jesus Comes Tomorrow, what then?
All bible prophecy has been fulfilled for the return of Christ. There is nothing holding Him back now just the word from the Father. I believe the Father hasn't given His Word yet because of some of you that might be listening to this song today. Oh we try to convince ourselves we are ready but are we really? If He was to show up right now, this very minute. Would you be in a place you would reach out and take His hand? Or would you pull back in shame. There's a Bible scripture that comes to mind and always reminds me.
1John 2:28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
I believe our Father had this put here because He knows so many of His children love Him and look forward to the day of being with Him, yet the pull of this world often gets us into area's we would not want to be when He appears.
I have told the Lord that I know that I myself can't depend on me to keep me straight. But I CAN put all my confidence in Him, whom I surrender my life to daily to keep me safe and where I need to be. When we pray and ask Him to keep us and put our confidence in Him then we can KNOW all is well. We must learn to pray and walk in this confidence in Him to be in control as we surrender ourselves to Him. He is so close to us and waiting for us to talk to Him and ask for His help.
You can never do anything so bad that He will refuse your asking forgiveness, mercy and grace. He is ready to forgive you and start again. It is much better to do it now. The day will come when it will be too late. He is a just and fair God. He doesn't ever send people to Hell, it is through their own choice.
Keeping you in my prayers daily 🙏
Love, Cecilia 🌷

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