Forth with Jiggy Jaguar 10/17/2021

2 years ago

Finnish-Canadian rockers Forth release their third studio album, “Forth”.  The self-titled release is the product of time well spent during lockdown.  The music reflects a mix of influences on the band ranging from 70’s stoner rock to 80’s hair metal, and 90’s grunge, but all rooted in Forth’s modern sound.  While struggling to define a single genre for the album, the band has settled on the term “Newstalgia”.  Entertainment today is looking backwards to rebooted TV shows, movie franchises and re-made classic songs from across rock and pop history. More and more people seem to be looking to the past for inspiration.  There’s a deep sense that we have may lost connection to something meaningful - musically and otherwise.  Newstaglia reflects that longing for familiarity of what was great from the past but made relevant for today’s audience.  Coming off their well-received, grunge-infused sophomore album “Captivity”, this third album is a return to simpler rock from a wider palette of inspiration.  Anyone who finds their Spotify mix frequently dialed back a few decades will appreciate this latest exciting offering from Forth.

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