09 God's Test of Loyalty

3 years ago

The fourth commandment is one of only two commandments of the Decalogue that do not begin with “thou shalt have no” or “thou shalt not”. It is the only commandment God begins by telling us to “remember”. How are we to remember this command? By keeping holy the Sabbath day.
The Sabbath commandment is the only commandment that identifies God as the Author of creation (revealing the authority of the commandments), and is the only commandment that contains the word “holy”. God does not call many things holy in His Word. The seventh-day Sabbath is one of the few in which He does.
According to (as well as other references) dictionaries, encyclopedias, calendars, and most important, the Scriptures, Saturday is the seventh day of the week. Every writer of Scripture, every godly person mentioned in the Scriptures - Jesus Himself - was a seventh-day Sabbath keeper. All people under the grace of Jesus, striving to have more of His character, will happily keep the seventh-day Sabbath, not a day of human choice or church tradition. The seventh-day Sabbath becomes a joy and delight when we learn and understand from Scripture that this is the day of which Jesus is Lord - the biblical Lord's day.
This presentation, and the following presentation, are a study of the Bible as well as a review of history comparing the keeping the seventh-day Sabbath holy vs. Sunday worship.

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