The Blood-Stained Bible - There's no way you will lock me down!

2 years ago

The Medical Tyranny that began in 2020 deeply impacted my life. For years my only interest in making music was in composing scripture songs (songs with lyrics taken word for word from the bible). The Blood-Stained Bible is not a scripture song. It was written May 20, 2020 just after I attended my first political protest in my state capital. My primary target was the lock downs which I regard as unforgivable violations of human rights. Earning a living is an essential activity. In 2020 I discovered that our Republic had fallen and that a cadre of technocrats and oligarchs had crowned themselves our new lords. I vow upon the bible stained with the blood of my ancestor how died fighting slavery that I will not stop fighting these would-be lords until they are defeated and their actions rendered explicitly unlawful.

The Blood-Stained Bible

Long ago, when I was just a lad, my grandmother showed to me;
An old canteen and a blood stained bible,
This, my boy, is the very book, which my grand-uncle carried to war
And his blood on this bible you will carry, evermore.
Long ago, in that awful Civil War, when they fought due to slavery.
The might of the state; the right of the man;
His life to be his; To live as a free man.
I've got a blood-stained bible , an old canteen,
Do you know what I mean?
For the right of a man to live by his hands, for this, Men will bleed.
And on this blood-stained bible is the blood that still flows,
It flows in me.
And I will be damned, if I shall forget.
Just about now, I've a lass and seven lads.
They are all watching me.
And should I leave them to the state of Illinois, like property?
I think not! Who's the little man who supposes he may chain me?
And deny me the right to the labor of my own hands, wickedly?
I don't think so. There's no way.
There's no way you will lock me down!
The right of the man to live in this land;
Free from tyranny; To live in freedom.
On this blood-stained bible, I swear to uphold:
the law of the land, on my soul.
And the blood calls to me, in my veins it explodes,
Reminding me of my oath.
And if you think I will sit back, and watch my land
Fall into tyrants' hands.
You will soon see, there is hell to pay.
Time's coming soon, if tyrants will not yield,
Many brothers will join me,
That we may add our blood to the blood-stained bible legacy.
So, take heed now, before it's too late, and so that this shall never be,
And I take not up my forefathers' blood-stained bible, against thee!

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