Episode 42 (Oct 16, 2021) MUST WATCH! Anomalies from Utah election analysis--need for audits/reform!

2 years ago


Announcing two big events occurring this next week:
- Rally at the Utah State Capitol on Wednesday, 10/20, to promote the need for an election audit and election reform legislation. The rally will be followed by a hearing before the Judiciary Committee on the same topic (YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED!)
- WeCanAct Liberty Event, including a massive line-up of nationally acclaimed, conservative speakers on a variety of topics including: The State of Our Nation, medical freedom, election reform, Critical Race Theory, several Profiles in Courage, and much more!   (October 22-23 at the Salt Palace)

I share a recording of my "Strengthening Confidence in Our Elections" presentation
- I'm giving this presentation to senior government officials and constituents demonstrating the need for an independent audit of our November 2020 election results, ongoing independent election audits into the future, and election reform legislation to remove the massive reliance in our elections on mail-in ballots and tabulation, election management system, and other machines

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