Gospel of Love Video Series (53): Pure loving service attracts God

3 years ago

Now if you know you are a part and parcel of God like a drop of water of the ocean is a part and parcel of the ocean, then you can understand that God is also attracted by affection. He is attracted by loving affection, love for Him. And in the same way I am not attracted by those who simply want to use me. They do not really care about me, they do not love me, they do not really have affection towards me. God is also not attracted by such persons who have some ulterior motive, who just want to get something from God. So pure loving service is the only means to attract God.
Pure loving devotional service means with no aim to exploit, no ulterior motive, no other purpose than finding happiness in the loving affection towards the person who you are loving, the Supreme Person. I am simply loving You. I do not want anything. I am simply enjoying loving you, and I am very happy that you are allowing me to love you. Automatically, when the heart is loving, when there is affection, then you do some service. So, we are speaking of some action that is motivated by this pure love, this pure affection for God. This is called pure devotional service. It is not that I am wanting God for something but rather, I am simply loving the relationship. That is all. The relationship is the end in itself. The loving relationship is the end in itself. It is not a means to achieve salvation. It is not the means to get rich. It is not the means to have sensual pleasures. It is not the means for any personal gain for myself: to get famous or to get powerful or to get money or to get followers. It is the end in itself. Pure loving service to the Supreme Lord is my life.

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