2 years ago


Kelsee Lainhart survived and was a friend of Nicole Gee and was with her when the suicide bomber killed Nicole and 12 others.

President Biden and the Generals are directly responsible and have the blood of these brave heroes on their hands.

The Afghanistan massacre of our 11 Marines, 1 Sailor and 1 Soldier and the wounding of 18 other American Servicemen and women will be a stain our country will never be able to erase from the hearts and minds of the good people of this country.

I do not think I have ever been this angry and disillusioned about our President, Vice President and all the crazy liberal Democrats in Congress in my lifetime.

Communist China is simply standing by while we destroy our country from within and I for one will fight back in any way I can and the way we can do that is by voting all the evil LIBERAL DEMOCRATS out of office.

Marxism, Socialism and Communism is the norm nowadays and the Muslim Islamic Terrorists have proven it time and time again.

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