(Banned Video about Dr. Fauci) FULL VIDEO

2 years ago

PROVEN TRUE. Big tech has banned this video and have done all they could to disprove all the details this woman has reported.

A Virologist who worked under Dr. Fauci when he was an assistance director, and Fauci took control of the CDC when his boss was away for a vacation. Fauci took this ladys work and patented it as his own.

The part about bats, was, at the time of the recording, the latest knowledge of what our world was experiencing. We now know, it was from China and likely deliberate, each wave was intentional to harm America. Trumps policies to create work in our own nation, caused China to send over a bullet less biological warfare into our nation to kill Americans. Each wave was worse then the last and way more deadly. World Eugenics is real folks.
Direct quote from piece online:

By Marshall Allen May 9, 2020, 7 a.m. EDT
"Perhaps “Plandemic” is guilty of sloppy storytelling, or maybe people really do believe the things they’re saying in the video. Or perhaps they’re being intentionally dishonest, or it’s a biased connecting of the dots rooted in personal and professional grievances. I don’t know because I can’t get inside their heads to judge their motives."

No person in our judicial system in the USA has "committed" any crime, unless adjudicated in a court of law. You have heard of "innocent, until proven Guilty in a court of law"? Well? they arrested her and found NOTHING to convict her. therefore, she was right. Was she was held without charge? Court documents prove she was. The Dr. in this video HAS NEVER BEEN FOUND GUILTY OF ANYTHING but telling her side of the story publicly. Those in higher powered positions didn't like that.

Poster takes NO CREDIT for this film, aside from posting it publicly for the world to see and know the truth away from the big tech propaganda censorship. Upon searching, this video is not on Facebook, not on YouTube, not on Google, and not available anywhere I looked. I took this video when it came out, copied it knowing they would remove it. It was not even on which should reality videos of many facets of live and death. I felt it necessary to keep this side of the truth alive.

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