How to erect a box with a Kawasaki robot

3 years ago

Case Erectors are not cheap. If you use a Case Erector, you are limited by the case erector to the product you are producing.

What if that product is 8 feet long? What would that case erector look like?
How about if the product was 10 feet or more? How would you handle it? How would you pay for it and more importantly, how hard would it be to keep running.

Here at BTS we shift the paradigm of case erector technology, combining the power of a robot with the utility of a case erector. But that is not all!
Our Kawasaki robot can do double duty as a case erector AND a Pick 'n Place Robot for these 10 foot downspouts. our LP-120 Packaging Machine does all that and more.
Enjoy the video!!

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