RECEIPTS! Patents Prove Vaxx Contains ”Injectable Computing System”

3 years ago

LIVE From Israel: David Schomburg exposes tyrannical "leader" for FAKE injection CAUGHT ON TAPE! Meanwhile, an entire military base was awakened at 2 AM and FORCE "vaccinated".

The weaponized system is specifically designed to target generally law-abiding citizens, intimidate everyday people into compliance, and chill any resistance to the overtaking of a once-free Republic, without a shot being fired. Nobody knows this better than Karyn Turk, who went from Mrs. Florida winner to maximum security lock-up.

Karen Kingston continues to blow HUGE HOLES in the "safe and effective" narrative surrounding the failed "vaccines", which are looking more and more like an intentional global depopulation plan.

This seems really scary. A polish scientist looking into the secret "vaccine" recipe made horrific discoveries! Maybe we know why Ivermectin is working! Get your early treatment protocol NOW, and get right with God!

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